Thursday, August 20, 2009

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure, like what we discuss in school, there are 2 kind of peer pressure. The good peer pressure and the bad peer pressure.

One time I experienced the negative peer pressure. My classmates told me to cut classes, because they say that there are nothing to do with that class. But I refuse their offer and still attend the class, I know that every attendance in the class is very important and who knows that we will do nothing with that class. I’m very glad that I can think for myself and not always referring my decisions to others.

I learned that not all your friends are your true friends, only those who care about you and the persons who you can trust to.


A responsible person is one who can accomplish and task or duties assign to him/her successfully.

For being the eldest child in the family, my responsibilities are, to take care my younger sister and to provide protection to my family, because at this moment I’m the only guy at our home. And also to study well for the future of our family.

As a college student, I know that I have some responsibilities to do with my school. First of all is to obey rules and regulations inside and outside the campus. And also to respect every people inside the campus.

As a citizen, I must obey the law and server my community with all of my heart.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


As you will see on my previous journal entries, I want honesty to become my most outstanding virtue, just read my post to see why.

I take the challenge: returning an excess change. Returning excess change is not new to me. Like the last time that I ride a jeepney. The driver gave my change then I figure out that the money is more than I expect it. So as a good citizen I return the excess change as respect to him that he was working hard throughout the day.

Personal Health

I noticed that I’m quite heavy for my age, but as far as now I don’t have any health problems base on my previous health assessment. I’m planning to lose some weight and to exercise more daily. Like jogging every morning around the neighborhood.

The Inconvenient Truth

I’ve already watch this film in the cable channel and I’m not so surprised about the previous condition of our world, because even me already feel those effect for us people living in a tropical climate. The weather is very unpredictable and the temperature is changing frequently from time to time. Like having a late raining season, and the extreme hot temperature we felt from the summer time.

At first, I think what is the inconvenient truth about this movie. Then after watching it I realized, that the reality on all these things happening to our world. We human, we are the most intelligent being living in this world and we must should know if we are doing too much to our world. We people are the main cause why these catastrophes are happening in our world. And that’s the inconvenient truth about these, we don’t know why we suffer like these and the only answer to that question is US.

In my community they have this so called “waste segregation” just like the project in my previous alma mater. But I don’t know the exact name of that project; actually that project is headed by the “Sangguniang Kabataan” so as a youth myself I’m obliged to participate in this project.


Challenge? I didn’t see these things as a challenge for me, more likely a habit. ^^ I’m just having fun doing these things. I do not want to think that these challenges were difficult. The most important thing is I’m still having fun learning new things from other person and also to share my insights to other people.

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished

The most challenging thing that I’ve ever done is to publish a full length movie. Actually that’s one of our projects back in high school. We are tasked to do a film with our own title and theme. The challenging part here is editing and publishing the movie. The acting part is not that challenging, haha ^^.

At first I didn’t saw editing a difficult task, but when I already doing it, that’s the time I realize it’s very difficult and the deadline of that project is tomorrow morning. I even called for help from some of my group mates, and we did it the whole night with no sleep and rest. It’s already morning when we almost finish the editing part and that same day we have an exam in math for the students who will exempted from getting the final exam. So what did you think, we have no time to review for the test and we didn’t yet finish the movie.

The time come, we are already publishing the movie, and then the tragedy happened my computer hanged and cannot publish the movie. It hurts that all of our effort was lost. So we plead our teacher to extend the deadline of submission of that project. At the second time, we finish the movie then submit it to our teacher, phew that was close.

What did you know I also perfect the exam in math, and as a reward I’m exempted from getting the finals! IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU’RE DOING YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH IT WHAT EVER THE OBSTACLES ARE, IT IS JUST DETERMINATION AND DEDICATION.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Golden RULE

When I write those characteristics of mine, I’m a little bit shock that I have so many good characteristics and I’m very glad that I come up with those good characteristics and virtue.

-When I gave a wrong answer to the question during recitation.

It’s just alright for me if my classmates laugh at my answer, because that’s a part of life taking mistakes and errors. And I also want to see my classmates happy because of me. ^^

-When I’m expressing my opinion during class or group discussion.

If my classmates have time to listen to me, then it’s good. But for those who don’t want to listen to me, ok lang. haha

- When I commit mistake.

It’s not new to me for committing mistakes. I just want other person to be considerate, not judging me subjectively on why did I do those things. They can ask me to know the reason and I promise that I will answer truthfully.

-When I don’t like doing what they ask to do.

I’m a person that even I don’t like it to do, I will just accomplished it.” Matapos lang,” and I have this manner saying this phrase “may magagawa pa ba ako” ^^. Because I don’t like to argue on such a very little thing.

- When others want to give me their comments or suggestions.

Is this is for me, Or to the others? If it is for me, I will listen to them, not just to listen but I’ll do an active listening.

I commit myself to respect every people in the MCL community. And to obey all of the rules and regulation inside the campus.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Greatest Agent of Socialization.

Socialization, from the root word SOCIAL, means to engage. For me socialization is not anymore new word. Because even me like to socialize with others, just to have knew friends and to enlarge my circle of friends. It isn't hard for to socialize with other because I want to, I want to meet them and build a good rapport with them.

I choose SCHOOL/EDUCATION as my greatest agent of socialization. Because in here, we often have the time to meet new people and be close to them. And also imagine, we will study of almost 20 years, imagine how many years do we have to socialize with every person in that institution. And that's the fun part of studying, to meet and knew more friends while getting your goal in life to finish our studies. And also to find new inspiration, I know that you know what I'm talking of.

Socialization will mean a lot to our lives, if you don't know how to do it, I'm sure that you will be left alone. So what are you waiting for, get out of your room, leave your house and start socializing with other, it isn't difficult but I'm sure it's fun.

Monday, July 6, 2009

HONESTY is the best POLICY

Honesty is typically considered virtuous behavior, and has strong positive connotations in most situations. A principal reason for this may be that honesty simplifies communication, in that honest statements can be trusted at face value, not necessarily as true, but as genuinely believed. Additionally, honesty helps to form bonds of trust in human relationships. (

I want honesty to be my most outstanding virtue, because if you will do and say only the honest thing, many people around you will develop trust for you. And that’s why I want honesty to be my most valuable virtue. Because I want my friends to trust and believe me.

Monday, June 29, 2009


My first week @ MCL is remarkable, the thing that will last forever and I’ll not forget. Actually it is really the opposite side from what I’m expecting for my first week at MCL. But it turns over when I met my block mates and specially my professors. And it’s nice to know my friends very well.

Ahhh, the professors. When I heard the word “professors” my first connotation is terror and strict. But when I met the professors of MCL, they erase that connotation of mine. Our mentors are very good and so approachable, just study hard and they will like you to.

My section, B02 is the best. Even though we’re new to each other, we don’t have a hard time to mingle with each other. They are so approachable and easy to deal with. Each one of my block mates have their own strength. And I thought, if we put together our all strength, we are unbeatable and no weaknesses can be a hindrance for us. Even that, time will come and our section will be separated.

My courses, all of them are a little bit hard. But I’m pursuing myself to overcome my entire courses one at a time. I think there is no easy course now that I’m in college. But the most challenging course is the DRAWING, I like to draw but it is different because our mentor is Mr. Henry Paz. (peace)

I have this adjustment that I really want to do – TIME MANAGEMENT, because college is all about it. I must be aware of my time and my duties, because if I didn’t do it. I’m sure that I will panic all the time.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Making Transition from High school to College

For myself, I can say that High School life is the HAPPIEST stage of schooling that I’ve attended. It is because of my classmates that I’m with for four years. And our teachers that always besides as for guidance and counseling and we can treat them as our own parents. I will not forget and cherish those moments that I’m with them.

When I graduated from high school, there are so many emotions around me, the thought that I’ll miss my friends, the fear with excitement of entering college, and choosing the right course for my abilities (it is a lost for me if I will choose the wrong course).

At last, I see MCL as my new alma mater – new institution, new friends, new teachers and new experiences. And I’m sure that MCL could surpass the happiness that I felt from high school. I’m proud to be a student of MALAYAN COLLEGES LAGUNA.

My first few experiences @ MCL

It’s just more than a week and I have experience so many thing at MCL – the new environment that is suitable for studying, new rules and regulation inside the campus, the approachable professors and teachers, new standards in getting a high grades (wish I could do all of that thing) and of course, encountering a new circle of friends at MCL. And I’m sure that all of this element will help me to have a successful adjustment in college.

Values Education as my ADVANTAGE

Values education is one of the subjects that I’m taking up since elementary studies. Since then I knew that this subject will help and teach me many things about life and to understand other lives that surrounds me.

For me, values education help a lot to my life. Aside from church, my previous teachers on values education introduce God to me. And this is the one advantage to me of this course, knowing God more and to serve Him as his own son.