Monday, June 29, 2009


My first week @ MCL is remarkable, the thing that will last forever and I’ll not forget. Actually it is really the opposite side from what I’m expecting for my first week at MCL. But it turns over when I met my block mates and specially my professors. And it’s nice to know my friends very well.

Ahhh, the professors. When I heard the word “professors” my first connotation is terror and strict. But when I met the professors of MCL, they erase that connotation of mine. Our mentors are very good and so approachable, just study hard and they will like you to.

My section, B02 is the best. Even though we’re new to each other, we don’t have a hard time to mingle with each other. They are so approachable and easy to deal with. Each one of my block mates have their own strength. And I thought, if we put together our all strength, we are unbeatable and no weaknesses can be a hindrance for us. Even that, time will come and our section will be separated.

My courses, all of them are a little bit hard. But I’m pursuing myself to overcome my entire courses one at a time. I think there is no easy course now that I’m in college. But the most challenging course is the DRAWING, I like to draw but it is different because our mentor is Mr. Henry Paz. (peace)

I have this adjustment that I really want to do – TIME MANAGEMENT, because college is all about it. I must be aware of my time and my duties, because if I didn’t do it. I’m sure that I will panic all the time.

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