Monday, June 22, 2009

Making Transition from High school to College

For myself, I can say that High School life is the HAPPIEST stage of schooling that I’ve attended. It is because of my classmates that I’m with for four years. And our teachers that always besides as for guidance and counseling and we can treat them as our own parents. I will not forget and cherish those moments that I’m with them.

When I graduated from high school, there are so many emotions around me, the thought that I’ll miss my friends, the fear with excitement of entering college, and choosing the right course for my abilities (it is a lost for me if I will choose the wrong course).

At last, I see MCL as my new alma mater – new institution, new friends, new teachers and new experiences. And I’m sure that MCL could surpass the happiness that I felt from high school. I’m proud to be a student of MALAYAN COLLEGES LAGUNA.

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