Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished

The most challenging thing that I’ve ever done is to publish a full length movie. Actually that’s one of our projects back in high school. We are tasked to do a film with our own title and theme. The challenging part here is editing and publishing the movie. The acting part is not that challenging, haha ^^.

At first I didn’t saw editing a difficult task, but when I already doing it, that’s the time I realize it’s very difficult and the deadline of that project is tomorrow morning. I even called for help from some of my group mates, and we did it the whole night with no sleep and rest. It’s already morning when we almost finish the editing part and that same day we have an exam in math for the students who will exempted from getting the final exam. So what did you think, we have no time to review for the test and we didn’t yet finish the movie.

The time come, we are already publishing the movie, and then the tragedy happened my computer hanged and cannot publish the movie. It hurts that all of our effort was lost. So we plead our teacher to extend the deadline of submission of that project. At the second time, we finish the movie then submit it to our teacher, phew that was close.

What did you know I also perfect the exam in math, and as a reward I’m exempted from getting the finals! IF YOU LIKE WHAT YOU’RE DOING YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH IT WHAT EVER THE OBSTACLES ARE, IT IS JUST DETERMINATION AND DEDICATION.

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