Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Greatest Agent of Socialization.

Socialization, from the root word SOCIAL, means to engage. For me socialization is not anymore new word. Because even me like to socialize with others, just to have knew friends and to enlarge my circle of friends. It isn't hard for to socialize with other because I want to, I want to meet them and build a good rapport with them.

I choose SCHOOL/EDUCATION as my greatest agent of socialization. Because in here, we often have the time to meet new people and be close to them. And also imagine, we will study of almost 20 years, imagine how many years do we have to socialize with every person in that institution. And that's the fun part of studying, to meet and knew more friends while getting your goal in life to finish our studies. And also to find new inspiration, I know that you know what I'm talking of.

Socialization will mean a lot to our lives, if you don't know how to do it, I'm sure that you will be left alone. So what are you waiting for, get out of your room, leave your house and start socializing with other, it isn't difficult but I'm sure it's fun.

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